London Based Personal Trainer

London Based Personal Trainer

I’ve been training people for 15 years & have helped a large number of clients with different needs & motivations for training. With a background in Running, Pilates & Rehab &Weight Lifting I also compete in StrongWoman & Crossfit. I have an eclectic & diverse range of tools with which to help you reach your goals. I myself am passionate about training and believe that it is one of the best ways to build self confidence, a strong body, fix injuries & also to get those endorphins flowing! Whether your aim is to fit into your old jeans, run a 5k, get ‘ripped’, deadlift 100kg, get that pull up, rehabilitate injuries or simply to learn how to train, then I can help you achieve your goals! I offer both 1-2 -1 & small group training so if you prefer to train with your partner or a group of friends then this could be the solution! I also offer programming options for your to train alone.